Wednesday, November 29, 2006


What am I finished with? My Christmas tree, of course. I've been married for 26 years. We have accumulated ornaments at an average of 5 a year, every year. Whenever we go on vacation, another ornament. We always gift each other with a new ornament every year. Jim came into the marriage with a small collection also, because he got one every year of his life from his mom. And, of course, my boys get one from us and sometimes some from the grandparents every year also. So I have one HUGE collection of ornaments.

Each ornament is packed in it's original box, with the date and the place on it. And all the little boxes are packed like a jigsaw puzzle into two bigger boxes. The unpacking takes forevah!!! Not to mention trying to put all the little boxes back into the bigger boxes so they fit. It only took me two days to do it this year..... that's actually pretty fast.

I do love my ornaments though. So many memories. My boys have some great ones, but I will be happy to pack them up and send them to their house when they are on their own. That will be less for me to deal with every year! They will have a good size collection to start their own Christmas traditions. I just hope they take the same care with them that I do.

And the worst part of all this? I have to pack them all up and put them away after Christmas!!! Dayum.

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