It's going to be hot today. And it's not even May! Okay, so it's close enough.
Took the dogs for a walk today and brought home some more rocks. Why would I carry a bag of rocks home? Well, because I need them for my garden. No, I'm not planting rocks. Borders! I like to use them for borders. I installed a pretty urn fountain and planted some flowers around it. Now I need rocks for a border. I would rather use something more natural than any of those manufactured things you can buy at Home Depot. Here is a picture of my work in progress. Little yard, big dreams.
I planted some verbena because the butterflies like it. I put out the hummingbird feeders yesterday because they should be migrating back shortly. After ten years, I've finally learned how to garden in Texas. It takes a lot of trial and error to find things that you know will grow. I planted some asters for the first time. We'll see how they endure the heat. They will only get morning sun where I've planted them, so hopefully they will survive.
My roses are flourishing so far this year. I do have a problem with blackspot on one of them. Trying to contain that and eliminate it. Wish me luck!
Time to take a shower and get to the grocery store.
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