Christmas Countdown #4
Monopoly was always a favorite board game of ours. It seems that we stopped playing board games, and card games, so long ago. I miss that.
Before our kids were born, we were very much into card games, also. UNO was a huge favorite, especially since we had our own cut throat rules (draw cards could be piled on). Crazy Eights and Follow the Bitch were also lots of fun. Many nights we would be up until the wee hours of the morning playing cards with our friends. I think I took a few years off my liver in those days. There was also a great card game called Milles Borne that I loved!
But my all-time favorite card game is euchre. There were many parties where we would have a couple of tables, and people waiting to play the winners. Mike and Mel, where are you guys? Our gals vs. guys games were some of the best times of my life!
Besides cards, we also played darts. Backgammon was another favorite. That was back in the 80s. Then we had kids. That's not to say we stopped playing altogether. It just left us with much less time. And then eventually we just grew away from it. And now we live in a different era. And, to be honest, it's kind of boring. I miss those days. Playing games, whether it was cards or darts or board games, was a great way to socialize with friends. I have fewer friends these days. And we never get together to compete. We talk, we laugh, but we don't play. How can we get that started again?